Refractory Green Mortar

Refractory Mortar is a 3200°F (1760°C) wet, air-setting, thick patching mortar. It has high strength, can withstand high temperatures and has negligible shrinkage. Typical applications include boilers, brick plants, steel mills, asphalt plants, iron foundries, and as a protective coating over ceramic fiber modules. It is used as a brick joint mortar, as well as for repairing cracks and joints in boilers, industrial furnaces, kilns, flues, and stacks or other high temperature fireboxes.
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    Refractory Green Mortar

Chemical Analysis

Max Grain SizeCr2O3%CaO%Fe2O3%SiO2%AL203%
0-0.2 mm6-7≤0.25≤0.54-588
